Caistor Food Bank tries to work with our clients fairly and reasonably - distributing the items we receive to support those people who need it.
All items are free to registered clients of Caistor Food Bank but clients are asked to please bring your own CARRIER BAGS - Thank you.
Tinned, carton & packet items: soup, vegetables, tomatoes, meat, fish, beans, spaghetti, pet food, UHT milk, dried pasta, dried powder milk, tea bags, porridge, artificial sweetener, toilet roll 1 per adult for single people & 2 for couples without children.).
Frozen & chilled Food (Available for everyone when in stock).
Families with children. Children only items include: sweets, crisps, biscuits, squash, various breakfast cereal, fruit shoots, cakes, fruit juice, ice cream & ice lollies, whole fresh or frozen chickens, turkeys & other roasting meat joints, toilet rolls 2- 4 per week depending on size of family. These are FOR FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN ONLY (Available when in stock).
Elderly residents with care needs: All Microwave meals either frozen or fresh are reserved for elderly clients only who have carers and cannot cook for themselves due to safety reasons (Available when in stock).
Fresh Fruit, fresh vegetables, fresh bread, fresh buns, salad items (Available for everyone when in stock).
Women’s sanitary products, soap powder, shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, (Available once a month for everyone when in stock).
Items for families with babies and early years children only: Tinned baby milk, baby food in jars & pouches, nappies, cream, talcum powder. FOR FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN ONLY (Available once a month when in stock)
If there’s any food or other unopened items you’ve been given by Caistor Food Bank that you don’t like or cannot use, please return these to the Food Bank next time you visit us or they can be given back to your delivery driver so it can be redistributed to other food bank clients.
Elderly & disabled clients who cannot attend the food bank in person will be offered free delivery for their items. (Before deliveries can be made clients must be fully registered with Caistor Food Bank).
White goods are free to registered clients who attend the food bank for support but they must sign 2 disclaimer forms before they take these items because these items have been donated and are not tested before distribution. (Clients are responsible for arranging their own transport for these items from the food bank to their property)
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Any client found to be reselling any items including food products, toiletries or white goods given to them as part of their support package by Caistor Food Bank will be instantly excluded from receiving any further support from the food bank.